Chemistry and Math Flunk

Album info



Label: Beatservice Records

Genre: Electronic

Subgenre: Downtempo

Artist: Flunk

Album including Album cover


Formats & Prices

FormatPriceIn CartBuy
FLAC 44.1 $ 8.80
  • 1TMTTUOT04:38
  • 2Chemistry and Math03:14
  • 3Petrified04:19
  • 4June, July04:26
  • 5Outsiders04:25
  • 6Assassins (with Water Guns)03:21
  • 7Pheromone (Fade Away)04:46
  • 8Your Beautiful Lies04:39
  • 9Reprise00:37
  • 10Hello (Planet Awesome)04:10
  • Total Runtime38:35

Info for Chemistry and Math

Seriously, how is it possible to spend two years and four months making a pop music album? It's obviously not because of a fetish with technical perfection. Not a single take on 'Chemistry and Math' has been recorded in a recording studio. It is all living room, bedroom or kitchen table work. Which is the way we have recorded all Flunk albums. Except the last, 'Lost Causes', which was mostly done in a studio.

So really, how does it take 28 months to put together 10 tracks of alternative, lo-fi popular music? Well, life? Just life. We're busy with stuff like everybody else, ordinary stuff. And it's all in there, really. In the air in the recordings and in-between the lines of words.

'Lost Causes' was probably about realizing defeat, identifying the disappointment of lost possibilities and basically accept it and get used to it. 'Chemistry and Math' might be about how you acknowledge the inevitability of the rules and patterns and natural laws, it's not so much mystery, it's math, and chemistry, and hormones, and a constant chaos of coincidence.

Well, it’s in there, go check it out. In there are also a lot of popular music references, some obvious one, some slightly hidden. As usual. Writing the songs for a debut, 'For Sleepyheads Only', at the beginning of the century, now feels like a sunny haze of innocence and blue skies. And a total absence of black clouds. 'Chemistry and Math' is installed in a much bleaker and more distorted soundscape, reflecting the mood of the world thrown at us in a fucked up era. But we're happy with the songs and the sound, happy to finally be finished and most of all happily looking forward to meet our fantastic fans around the world.


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