In the wide field of music there are not too many multi-artists. Henning Fuchs is one of them. One of his main activities is composing concert music and film music besides songwriting. He has also produced several albums. He has composed soundtracks for 20 films and television series as well as 40 documentaries. The film drama Narcissus and Goldmund by director Stefan Ruzowitzky, based on the story of the same name by Hermann Hesse and published in March 2020, owes its impact to no small extent to the film music by Henning Fuchs. He had already produced several studio albums with his band sabanova and other independent artists before he entered the world of film. As if that were not enough, Henning Fuchs has also distinguished himself as the author of the book publication "Der Film- und Medienkomponist als Unternehmer" (The Film and Media Composer as Entrepreneur), in which he explains to colleagues how to successfully assert oneself as a film and media composer in the intransparent jungle of German bureaucracy. Since he has been creatively active in music since his early youth and is constantly expanding his field of activity, it can be expected that Henning Fuchs still has a few surprises up his sleeve in the field of music.
The most recent surprise is his interest in the sound of the planet earth, both on a global and a small scale. On his 2019 album A New Beginning, samples of big-city and nature sounds are wrapped in modern sound design, while Henning Fuchs' latest album Gaia is dedicated to the development of our planet, i.e. to the global and small scale, reflected in the themes of transformation, diversity and cooperation. Gaia is realized along compositions by Henning Fuchs through renowned musicians from almost all regions of the world. The illustrious group of musicians includes the Chinese Gua Gan with Erhu and Zhongu, the Spaniard Julian Olivares with flamenco guitar and charango, the German David Kuckhermann with hand pans, udu and other percussion instruments by Chinese masters, the Icelandic violinist Elfa Run Kristinsdottier and the Bulgarian Voices Choir from Berlin. With the help of their instruments, some of which are exotic and, in any case, typical of their heritage, this illustrious group of musicians transforms the themes underlying Gaia into a sound that breaks new ground in this form. Spacy is the sound. Throughout the album various stories about the development of our planet are told. The content of the stories is not fixed. So, everyone can run his own imaginary film. Headphones prove to be optimal. So, the soundtrack of the film runs acoustically in and around the head. To be more precise, these are short films of different content and anyone can arrange these imaginary films as they wish and project them where it seems appropriate. The best way to "watch" each film is to follow the soundtrack of the album with closed eyes. The whole affair is a truly rousing experience that has never been seen before.
With his album Gaia, Henning Fuchs, supported by a congenially performing international band of musicians, proves to be a sophisticated magician who succeeds in waking up the film director who is slumbering in the listener for the duration of the album and letting him go to work individually.