Arianna in Rome. Arias, Cantatas and Laments for the Seventeenth-Century Virtuose Carlotta Colombo, Anima & Corpo and Gabriele Pro
Spain on Fire - Divine and Human Passions in the Spanish Baroque Fahmi Alqhai, Quiteria Muñoz & Accademia del Piacere
Jacquet of Mantua: Motets & Secular Songs The Choir of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, Kirsty Whatley & David Skinner
Ch’amor mi prese - Amore sacro e profano nel Medioevo italiano InTactus featuring Simona Gatto, Efrén López Sanz, Miriam Encinas Laffitte
Veni creator spiritus - Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks (EP) Bavarian Radio Chorus & Michael Hofstetter
Quempas (Weihnachten in Wuppertal - Christmas in Wuppertal) Wuppertaler Kurrende, Lautten Compagney Berlin, Johanna Rosa Falkinger & Lukas Bamann
Dreames & Imaginations - Poeticall Musicke to be sung to the Lyra viol Anna-Lena Elbert, Friederike Heumann, Evangelina Mascardi, Angélique Mauillon
Musica aldersoetste konst (Polyphonic songs from the Low Countries) () Huelgas Ensemble & Paul Van Nevel
Queen of Hearts: Laments and Songs of Regret for Queens Terrestrial and Celestial The Gesualdo Six & Owain Park
"O felice occhi miei" - Lute Music from Renaissance Italy Eduardo Egüez featuring La Compagnia del Madgriale