Echoes of Eternity - Lieder and Song Cycles for Baritone by Brahms, Martin & Schubert Milan Siljanov & Nino Chokhonelidze
O Listen to the Music of Uroš Krek and Else Marie Pade Danish National Vocal Ensemble & Martina Batič
Ch’amor mi prese - Amore sacro e profano nel Medioevo italiano InTactus featuring Simona Gatto, Efrén López Sanz, Miriam Encinas Laffitte
Fano · Sinigaglia · Massarani: «Musica degenerata» per violoncello e pianoforte Riccardo Pes & Pierluigi Piran
Venetian Journey - A Musical Diary Udo Samel, Gerold Huber, Wolfgang Hörlin, Christian Pleines, Raphael Kohlhäufl, Achim Hoffmann, Hans Pritschet feat. Renner Ensemble