Michel Lambert: Leçons de ténèbres Monique Zanetti & Ensemble Les Temps Presents
- Michel Lambert (1610 - 1696):
- 1 Première Leçon du Mercredi Saint 22:50
- Etienne Richard (1621 - 1669):
- 2 Allemande en sol mineur 02:01
- Michel Lambert:
- 3 Deuxième Leçon du Mercredi Saint 14:17
- Louis Couperin (1626 - 1661):
- 4 Psaume en fa majeur par M Couperin 00:45
- 5 Psaume en fa majeur (Extended version) 01:40
- Michel Lambert:
- 6 Troisième Leçon du Mercredi Saint 15:21
- Louis Couperin:
- 7 Simphonie en sol mineur 01:30
Info for Michel Lambert: Leçons de ténèbres
During the last years of the reign of Louis XIII. Michel Lambert was a sought-after master of singing at the royal court of Paris. Based on a rich ornamentation and other new style elements, the singer and theorbo player created a sophisticated new vocal genre. This "art of good singing" soon dominated the secular music scene...
But the popularity of this style of singing was not hidden from the Catholic Church either: in order to make the dark liturgy of Holy Week a little more attractive to the faithful, the composer was asked to set Jeremiah's lamentations in music. More and more, the liturgical Vespers of Holy Week mutated into concert events in which the faithful could even admire opera singers ...
With Monique Zanetti, a proven expert from the French "art de bien chanter" has recorded three of these Leçons de ténèbres for AEOLUS.
Monique Zanetti, soprano
Sylvie Moquet, bass viol
Sylvia Abramowicz, bass viol
Claire Antonini, theorbo
Dominique Serve, organ b.c.
Monique Zanetti
After studying music at the Conservatoire National de Région in Metz and at university where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in musicology, Monique Zanetti turned to singing.
She has made many concert tours in France and abroad in major festivals (Innsbruck, Saintes, Herne, Ambronay, Utrecht, Aix en Provence, Fukuoka) and taken part in prestigious productions of Baroque operas baroques (Atys, Roland de Lully, Médée de Charpentier, Didon et Enée de Purcell, Orfeo de Monteverdi) in great halls like the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York, the Musikverein in Vienna, the Concertgebouw d’Amsterdam, the teatro Colon de Buenos Aires, under the direction of William Christie, Christophe Rousset, Martin Gester, J.C Malgoire, Gustave Leonhardt, Jérôme Corréas.
She participates in many tours in France and abroad (Europe, USA, South America, Japan) and performs in festivals like Saintes, Herne, Utrecht, Aix en Provence or Innsbruck. Her tours give her the opportunity to sing at the Opera Comique, the Vienna Musikverein, the Teatro Colon Buenos Aires, the BAM in New York.
Her repertoire extends to later music. The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart, The Medium of Menotti, Werther by Massenet, Pelléas and Mélisande by Debussy, Béatrice and Bénédict by Berlioz.
She also performs the melody and lied repertoire in concert with the pianists and fortepianists Patrick Cohen, Jean-Efflam Bavouzet and Alain Planès.
Her interest in pedagogy led her to give Masterclasses for Baroque music in France and abroad (Aix en Provence, Rio de Janeiro, Juiz de Fora, Buenos Aires, Tokyo, Wallonia Festival).
Her discography consists of more than fifty albums.
Booklet for Michel Lambert: Leçons de ténèbres